Also present: Chief Dpty. Clerk Weilandt; Finance Exec. Dir. Hopkinson*; I.T. & Bldgs.
Exec. Dir. Fahnestock & staff Files, Peters; KDOT staff Rickert; Public Health Exec.
Dir. Isaacson; Auditor P. Wegman; Treasurer Lauzen, Develop. Exec. Dir. Vankerkhoff;
State's Atty. Mosser & ASAs Frank, Brady, Vargas*, CIO Hunt; Spcl. ASA Shepro;
Sheriff Hain*; Animal Control Admin. Youngsteadt*; OCR Dir. Berger*; members of the
press & public.
Board Member Gumz led the assembly with the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Member Lewis said the invocation.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 10, 2024 & September 25, 2024
Chris Kious
Madam Chair invited the public to speak.
Ellen Nottke, discussed that meeting quorums have been an issue and unless a
member is gravely ill, there should be no reason for a board member to attend
remotely. The COVID pandemic is over and the State of Emergency has ended. Ms.
Nottke relayed that many of the meetings go on endlessly, continuing a meeting for
lack of a quorum was a waste of time for all, and if the Committee of the Whole cannot
reach a quorum for an entire year, the meeting should be discontinued.
Mark Adamian*, Elburn resident, asked the board to revisit the county's ordinance as it
pertains to hunting; especially when hunters are shooting next to his property while he
walks his dog. Upon seeing migrants at gathering of people at the Court House (Circuit
Clerk) on Randall Road, he suggested that those coming across the border provide
DNA samples to police to build a database to look up criminals in the future. Also, the
government should provide voter I.D.s and mandate voters show them prior to voting.
Jenine Mehr, asked how the board could have gotten to the spending it has -- in the
general fund -- over the last 10 years. From 2020 to 2024, there was an 88% increase
in spending and for 2021 to 2025 an expected 78%increase during the tenure of the
chairwoman. She questioned why some board members did not speak up about this.
She stated the (county's) population has decreased, people are overtaxed and have
relocated, and what is Plan B if the April referendum does not pass.
Kim Sever spoke to the increase in taxes, the fact that the county was in a recession,
and the board was not representing its residents. She asked the board to find ways to
cut the budget and stop the increases.
Chris Lauzen, Treasurer, walked through a quick 2025 budget take-away slide
presentation, summarizing that the general fund spending has doubled in 4 to 5 years.
He discussed that discrepancies existed in the numbers being presented, the board
was breaking it rules, and not telling the truth about equity in pay. Union wages