Government Center  
719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. A  
Geneva, IL 60134  
Kane County  
KC Finance and Budget Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
BERMAN, Lenert, Juby, Lewis, Sanchez, Surges, Tepe & ex-officios Pierog (County Chair)  
Wednesday, June 12, 2024  
2:00 PM  
County Board Room  
Call To Order  
Chairman Berman called the meeting to order at 2:06 PM.  
Roll Call  
Board Member Dale Berman  
Board Member Leslie Juby  
Board Member Vern Tepe  
Ex-Officio County Board Chair Corinne M. Pierog  
Board Member Anita Lewis  
Board Member Jarett Sanchez  
Board Member Bill Lenert  
Board Member Clifford Surges  
Also present: Co. Bd. Members Allan*, Bates*, Gumz*, Kious*, Molina*, Roth; Fin.  
Exec. Dir. Hopkinson; ITD CIO Lasky* & staff Kash; KCAC Admin. Youngsteadt*; and  
members of the press and public.  
Remote Attendance Requests  
Chairman Berman announced the remote attendance requests for today's meeting. He  
asked the Committee if there were any objections to Committee Members Lewis,  
Sanchez and Surges attending today's meeting remotely. There were no objections.  
Approval of Minutes: None  
Public Comment (Agenda Items)  
Public Comment (Non-Agenda Items)  
New Business  
Discussion on Budget Cuts Approach  
Chairman Berman introduced the discussion on the County's approach to future budget  
cuts. He shared his suggested discussion points. He questioned the Committee to  
decide if budget cuts would be necessary for the FY2025 budget, or to focus on  
FY2026 and beyond. In his opinion, it is too far along in the FY2025 budget process to  
enforce budget cuts. The Committee provided their feedback on this matter.  
Berman asked this Committee their views on balancing the budget using the excess  
reserves and if they would rather continue spending down reserves or enforce budget  
cuts. Much discussion ensued. The Committee agreed to seek other avenues to  
increase revenue, while figuring out the correct amount for budget cuts. Berman asked  
this Committee if they would like to suggest to the County to continue to use the  
reserves to balance the budget for the time being. Further discussion ensued on the  
different avenues the County has to find revenue sources. The Committee agreed that  
the County should continue to spend down the excess reserves to balance the budget.  
Berman asked for input on the overall goal of this Committee for the budget process.  
Each Committee Member provided their feedback. Discussion ensued.  
Committee Member Tepe explained that the County should continue to spend down  
the excess reserve amount to balance the FY2025 Budget. However, reserves are not  
the only funding being depleted. The County's Capital Fund has not had a major  
contribution for some time. Tepe explained that the current capital projects being  
completed are being augmented by the funding given to the County by the American  
Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). He added if the County is going to have a building program,  
then they must find a way to fund the Capital Projects. Referencing a previous financial  
presentation he provided, Tepe came up with an average annual basis gap of $15M  
between the County's revenues and expenses. He provided his suggestions on how  
the County could begin to close that financial gap. First, the County can begin to utilize  
the annual Property Tax Extension Law Limit (PTELL) increases, which would provide  
approximately $2M annually. Second, the County could increase the Local Motor Fuel  
Tax, in which would be given to the Kane County Division of Transportation (KDOT).  
Additionally, they could reallocate the RTA Sales Tax, which would give the County  
$6.3M. All of these suggestions are items the County Board could implement now.  
Lastly, the County could discuss the implementation of a County sales tax and cuts to  
Fin. Exec. Dir. Hopkinson explained that a County Strategic Plan needs to be  
developed. During the creation of this plan, it will allow the County to learn how  
resources can be allocated across the County and would assist in budgeting. Madam  
Chairman Pierog added that this plan would identify the County Board's priorities and  
goals and provide outreach to the communities. In saying this, a strategic plan would  
take time to develop, which in turn, causes a larger fiscal cliff the County will have to  
address. Hopkinson listed the numerous County funds that are being balanced by  
reserves. She explained that within the FY2023 Budget, the General Fund budgeted  
$17M use of fund balance reserves. While the Finance Department finishes the Audit  
Report, they have found that the actual loss for FY2023 was $5.5M. Hopkinson has  
predicted that FY2024 will be a higher loss due to equity adjustments and significant  
pay increases in union contracted rates. This trend will continue to spend down the  
County's reserves. If the County were to reallocate funding, such as moving money  
from the RTA Sales Tax fund from the Transportation Department to the General Fund  
and increase the Local Motor Fuel Tax, that would provide approximately $6M-$7M.  
This would be beneficial to the General Fund, however, the County has already  
budgeted about $10M in reserves for FY2025.  
Committee Member Juby stated that it is not prudent of the Committee to be planning  
budget cuts on two forms of revenue that have continually not had support from  
constituents. The discussion today should be focused on the facts, such as the County  
does not have the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to utilize and they are not going to  
increase the Motor Fuel Tax. Juby voiced her opposition on implementing a set budget  
cut percentage for all County departments/offices. This would be unfair to those  
departments/offices that are much smaller. Berman stated that an additional discussion  
item that the Committee should keep in mind is when they determine what the actual  
cuts will be, what affects will occur to County services. With that in mind, how should  
the County Board view these cuts versus implementing the CPI or increase in fuel tax?  
Discussion ensued on the amount of money would be allocated to each departments in  
order to reach the overall goal of cutting the budget. The Committee decided to figure  
out an exact dollar amount to cut from the budget. Additionally, they would look at the  
percentage of each department's share in the overall County budget and direct them to  
try to cut the suggested amount. Lastly, the County should try to reallocate County  
funding, such as the RTA Sales Tax.  
Tepe summarized the goals and priorities of this Committee. He asked a series of  
questions to the Committee for consensus. The Committee asked Hopkinson to figure  
out some dollar figures pertaining to departments and budget cuts. This will allow the  
Committee to see the overall options they have to address the County's fiscal cliff.  
Much discussion ensued. Tepe suggested that this Committee receive  
departments/offices' budgets to help figure out a targeted number. Once this number is  
figured out, this would be the amount this Committee would present to the County  
Board for budget cuts. Additionally, this Committee would present funding alternatives.  
The Committee provided consensus. Further discussion ensued.  
The next Special Finance Committee meeting will be scheduled for Monday, July 1,  
2024 at 2:00 p.m.  
Old Business  
Committee Chairman's Comments  
Executive Session (if needed)  
Leslie Juby  
Vern Tepe  
This meeting was adjourned at 3:34 PM.  
Savannah Valdez  
Sr. Recording Secretary