explained that the increase in the insurance cost is mainly due to the influx in the
County's base. Discussion ensued.
Presidio Insurance Representative, Jerry Orpen, stated that the insurance
market has been challenging. Just yesterday, he found out that Hurricane
Helene has brought on approximately $14B in claims. Orpen explained that a lot
of the County's insurance increase is due to payroll and employee headcount.
Committee Member Silva explained that she attended a disaster preparedness
policy institute. At this institute, she learned that events will happen more
frequently. She asked how the County can best protect itself, in terms of
insurance policies. Discussion ensued.
Orpen spoke on the County's current insurance protection and the potential of
meeting with a safety engineer to help find ways to protect the County further.
He explained that the reinsurance market is what is driving the increase in cost.
Reinsurance is for insurance companies. This risk is spread throughout the
entire global reinsurance community. Orpen spoke on the recent flooding in the
United States and around the world. Discussion ensued on the lack of insurance
secondary funds and how the recent disasters and storms that have hit the
United States have affected this.
Orpen reviewed the Kane County Property and Liability Insurance 2024-2025.
He explained that the expiring rate for Kane County was 2.7%. In order to get
the new rate, the County must wait for two layers to come in for it's access
tower. Orpen stated that Presidio Insurance has found a new carrier, Old
Republic, to write the $5M excess liability. Surges asked how much of the 3.2%
increase is based on Kane County's actions and how much was external. Orpen
stated that 16% of the increase came from the County's increase in payroll. He
explained that insurance carriers are increasing the value of buildings to account
for inflation and increased costs in building material replacement. He stated that
the property liability insurance was increased by $15M in coverage. This is a 4%
increase in property values. The premium increase is 15%, which is mostly
external impacts. Orpen stated that Liberty Mutual Insurance has been asking to
look into the County's property to evaluate the cost of the County's buildings to
re-access the insurance costs. He explained that Traveler's Insurance sent a
letter to the County stating that they were going to get rid of the blanket limit and
add a margin clause. The margin clause means that every insured value of the
County's buildings, would add 10%. In the event of weather or property loss, the
County was only going to receive the value of the building, plus 10%. Orpen
explained that the benefit of a blanket limit is that the County has $336M
available for each and every claim. He stated that Presidio did not want
Traveler's to get rid of the blanket limit, because it works in the County's favor.
Presidio was able to get Traveler's to reevaluate this change. Orpen spoke on
the additional increases Traveler's Insurance was trying to put on the County.
Orpen addressed questions and comments from the Committee. Discussion
Surges spoke on the importance of passing this resolution by the November
County Board meeting. He explained how the increase in property replacement