Hopkinson shared the Revenues and Expenses - General Fund - General
Account - 2024 Budget to Actual. The General Fund houses the expenses for
most of the employees of the County. However, KDOT, Kane County Health
Department (KCHD), Kane County Animal Control (KCAC), and KaneComm are
not included in the General Fund. Regarding revenues, other taxes are lower
due to the over budgeting on sales taxes in FY2024. The charges for services
from the County Clerk's Office, Recorder's Office, Circuit Clerk's Office,
Information Technologies Department (ITD), and State's Attorney's Office have
exceeded the budgeted charges for services. Pertaining to expenses,
Countywide the amended budget and actual budget includes $14M in benefits
for all General Fund employees, and $500K of the remaining is software
licensing and computer repair. Hopkinson provided a break down of the
County's revenues and expenses from the General Fund by department. She
added that the General government revenue is all part of the General Fund,
which is lower due to sales taxes. The ITD's has $422K of remaining expenses
is salaries and $233K in contractual services. The Sheriff's Office was $3.5M
over budget in salaries, $472K over in detainee medical/dental, and $250K in
operating supplies. Hopkinson shared the financial information on the Health
Insurance Fund. This fund is funded by all employee and employer
contributions. She stated that all expenses from Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)
is paid out of this fund. In 2023, the total fund balance was $7,442,723. In 2024,
the total fund balance is $9,377,499. The fund is at the approximate 50% target
fund balance, which is within the range that the County's brokers have advised.
Discussion ensued on the utilization of the health insurance funding and the
appropriate target fund balance.
Hopkinson reviewed the Cash Balances by Department/Office as of January 28,
2025. As of November 30, 2022, the case in the General Fund was $96.4M. As
of January 28, 2025, the cash in the General Fund is $69.8M, which is a
decrease of 28%. The grand total of all cash balances by department/office is
2023 External Audit Results Presentation (not attached)
This item was discussed during Executive Session.
New Business
Approving a Supplemental Budget Adjustment and Authorizing Execution of
Collective Bargaining Agreement - Coroner’s Bargaining Unit
Co. Vice-Chairman Lenert stated this resolution is for an unbudgeted amount.
For FY2024, the appropriation amount is $19,905.11. For FY2025, the amount is
$27,407.08. This is a total unbudgeted appropriation amount for this collective
bargaining agreement is $47,312.19. However, Lenert pointed out that this
agreement was done by the previous coroner and the new elected coroner
should not be held responsible. Coroner Silva addressed questions and
comments from the Committee.
KC Executive Committee