Monthly Financials
Monthly Finance Reports
Chairman Williams stated the monthly financial reports were on file. No
additional report was made.
Building & Zoning Division
A. Building & Zoning Report
Dev. Dir. VanKerkhoff stated the monthly Building and Zoning Report was on file. He
welcomed the new County Board Members to the Committee. He stated that Building
Team staff positions have been filled. Additionally, the Building Team is made up of
in-house staff and does not have to be outsourced. He stated that he is grateful to have
two Illinois licensed architect plan reviewers, in order to do all plan reviews in-house.
VanKerkhoff introduced Zoning staff Keith Berkhout and Natalie Zine. He provided a
brief background of these two staff members. He summarized the zoning petition
process. He explained that numerous departments/divisions will meet before the
Development Committee meeting to discuss the petitions and recommend any
stipulations. These meetings help guide constituents on the next steps in the process.
After staff meetings, the petition is presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals, before
coming to the Development Committee.
Zoning Petitions
Petition #4651 Petitioner: State Bank of Geneva (SeBern Homes)
Dev. Dir. VanKerkhoff introduced Zoning Petition 4561: State Bank of Geneva
(SeBern Homes). This petition has requested a Rezoning from E-3 District
Estate Residential to PUD - Planned Unit Development to allow the existing
residential structure to continue to be used as office space and the outdoor area
to be used for storage of materials for Grandview Homes and SeBern Custom
Homes businesses. This parcel has been categorized as Rural Residential on
the 2040 Land Use Analysis and Critical Growth Area on the 2040 Conceptual
Land Use Strategy. VanKerkhoff shared numerous maps and photographs
depicting the location of the parcel located at 38W216 Mallard Lake Road, St.
Charles Township. He shared a site plan that depicted the existing conditions.
When the house was originally built, the home was used as a model home and
has never been occupied as a single-family home. VanKerkhoff reviewed
photographs that showed the current conditions of the inside and outside of the
house. He shared the current site plan that depicted the location of signage on
the property. The Zoning Board of Appeals approved this Zoning Petition with
the recommended stipulations listed by the Kane County Health Department and
Kane County Water Resources. VanKerkhoff stated that there are an additional
three stipulations that would be added to this petition that has been discussed
and agreed upon with the petitioner. VanKerkhoff addressed questions and
comments from the Committee. Much discussion ensued.
County Board