New Business
Household Hazardous Waste (Clair Ryan)
Recycling Coordinator, Ryan, presented information on the Household Hazardous
Waste Extended Producer Responsibility Bill (HHW). She anticipates that this bill will
be introduced to the state legislator, and hopes to rally local government support. Kane
County has a drop-off facility in Naperville which is open every weekend of the year,
and open to all state residents on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
without fees. Ryan explained that the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is the
concept that product manufactures should bear the costs for end-of-life disposal and
recycling of their products. The goal of EPR is to integrate the environmental
externalities associated with mass-produced goods into corporate budgeting and
decision-making. She provided an overview of the draft Household Stewardship Act.
Starting on January 1, 2027, all manufacturers must belong to a stewardship
organization or a producer responsibility organization (PRO) with an approved
stewardship plan. The Stewardship plan will last for five years, and manufacturers will
fund 100% of collection costs for collection sites identified in the plan. Manufacturers
will pay a portion of the transportation and disposal costs. Starting in year 2029, there
must be a permanent collection site open at least 55 hours per month within fifteen
miles of 60% of state residents, and a one-day collection event at least six hours long
within twenty-five miles of at least 20% additional residents. This program will save
Kane County $10K per year in perpetuity on the Naperville site contribution. Lastly,
Ryan noted that this program will boost public awareness about safe HHW disposal
options. Much discussion ensued.
ISACo Wind and Solar Facility Task Force (Mavis Bates & Jodie Wollnik)
Environ. & Water Res. Dir., Wollnik, stated that in January of 2023, the Chairman
assigned her to the ISACo Wind and Solar Task Force. A series of discussions were
conducted on implementing wind and solar regulations for Illinois counties. There will
be a meeting in December discussing draft language for changes that will potentially go
to the State Legislator in January of 2025. Wollnik reviewed the suggested language on
areas focused on to help facilitate this process for the county. The time frame for the
Kane County sighting decision is currently at 30 days. The proposed change for the
time frame is 60 days, which will provide more time for discussions before a decision is
made. Lastly, Kane County would like to add language that allows bermming, which is
a screening mechanism used as landscaping and fencing, on the solar facility. Much
discussion ensued.
Legislative Updates
McGuireWoods Consultant, Bales, stated that Congress is back in session. The
FY2024 funding levels will run out on December 20, 2024. It will be determined in
Congress to pass a FY2025 appropriation bill.
McGuireWoods Consultant, Sherwood, stated that Thursday, November 21, 2024 is
the last day of Veto session. New Legislative Members were down in Springfield this
week for training. The four caucus leaders will remain in place for the next General
Assembly. Lastly, Sherwood, noted that on January 8, 2025, the Inauguration will be
held for the new General Assembly. Discussion ensued.