| Resolution | Approving January 2025 Claims Paid | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Approving a FY25 Budget Adjustment to the Development and Community Services Department for the Implementation of a United States National Park Service Historic Revitalization Grant Program | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Authorizing an Agreement with Tyler Technologies for Computer-Aided Dispatch CAD2CAD Custom Export Interface | | |
Not available
| Ordinance | Repealing Section 2-196(a) of the Kane County Code and Replacing it with a New Section 2-196(a) (Depositories for Funds of County Treasurer/Collector) | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Authorizing the Number of Procurement Cards Issued to the Office of Emergency Management and Each of Their Transaction Limits | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Acknowledging the Annual Review of the Number of Procurement Cards Issued to the Kane County Sheriff’s Office and Each of Their Transaction Limits | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Acknowledging Annual Review of Number of Procurement Cards Issued to Coroner’s Office and Each of Their Transaction Limits | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Authorizing the Number of Procurement Cards Issued to the Kane County Judiciary and Each of Their Transaction Limits | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Authorizing Number of Procurement Cards Issued to the State’s Attorney’s Office and Each of Their Transaction Limits | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Authorizing Number of Procurement Cards Issued to the Office of Community Reinvestment and Each of Their Transaction Limits | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Authorizing Two (2) Procurement Cards Issued to the Kane County Division of Transportation and the Transaction Limits Thereof | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Authorizing Number of Procurement Cards Issued to Kane County Health Department and Each of Their Transaction Limits | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Authorization Number of Procurement Cards Issued to the Kane County Clerk and Each of Their Transaction Limits | | |
Not available
| Resolution | Acknowledging Annual Review of Number of Procurement Cards Issued to County Board Office and Each of Their Transaction Limits | | |
Not available