| FP Resolution | Resolution Approving Modifications to the Organization Ordinance: Chapter III- Officers of the District: Section B - Duties of Officers and Section C - Compensation of the President and Commissioners | | |
Not available
| FP Ordinance | Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. FP-O-24-05-0603, Entitled “Ordinance for the Annual Budget Appropriation Fiscal Year 2024-2025” | | |
Not available
| FP Ordinance | Ordinance Approving an Amendment to the Purchasing Ordinance for the Forest Preserve District of Kane County | | |
Not available
| FP Resolution | Resolution Authorizing Modifications to the Investment Policy | | |
Not available
| FP Resolution | Presentation and Approval of an Amendment to the 2025 Committee Meeting Calendar | | |
Not available