Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: KC County Development Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/18/2025 10:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: County Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available Minutes Packet: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
File #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
TMP-25-203 Finance ReportMonthly Finance Reports   Not available
TMP-24-3361 Zoning PetitionPetition # 4650 Petitioner: Glen Wakefield   Not available
TMP-24-3362 Zoning PetitionPetition # 4653 Petitioner: Weiss Commercial Properties, LLC   Not available
TMP-25-230 ReportMonthly Report   Not available
TMP-25-232 ReportMonthly Report   Not available
TMP-25-198 ResolutionApproving a FY25 Budget Adjustment to the Development and Community Services Department for the Implementation of a United States National Park Service Historic Revitalization Grant Program   Not available
TMP-25-231 ResolutionAuthorizing Number of Procurement Cards Issued to the Office of Community Reinvestment and Each of Their Transaction Limits   Not available