Petition #: 4650
Committee Flow: Development Committee
Contact: Keith Berkhout 630-232-3495
Petitioner: Glen Wakefield
Location: On the southeast corner of French and Lenschow Roads (04-03-100-025), Burlington Township
Proposed: Rezoning from F-District Farming to E-1 District Estate Residential to allow a new home to be built on the property
2040 Plan: Countryside Estate Residential
Objectors: None
Regional Planning Comm.: Not Applicable
Zoning Board: Approval with the following stipulations:
1. A BMP will be required along the flood route to accommodate upstream floodwaters. This shall be designed by a Professional Engineer and will require a Stormwater Permit. NRCS practices are encouraged for this flood route.
2. A Drainage Easement will be required over the flood route and the drain tile on site. This easement shall be reviewed by the Kane County Water Resources before recording the document at the Kane County Recorder’s Office.
3. For any Development in the future as defined by the Kane County Stormwater Management Ordinance on the resulting F-1 and F parcels that singularly results in greater than 5,000 sq ft of new impervious area, or cumulatively (as of Jan 1, 2002) results in greater than 25,000 sq ft of new impervious area or 3 acres of disturbance, Stormwater Management Measures, as required by the Kane County Stormwater Ordinance, shall be provided.
4 Basement and/or first floor elevations or the possibility of a basement will be determined based on the Flood Protection Elevation and Seasonal High Water Table.
5 Land cash fees will be due at the time of permitting.
6. KDOT recommends refraining from installing any structures in the future east half right of way (60 feet) of French Road (County Highway 11). Petitioner will be responsible for obtaining the necessary temporary and final access permits from KDOT.
Development Committee: To be determined
Petition # 4650 Petitioner: Glen Wakefield