Emergency Appropriation for Transfer of Funds from the Mass Vaccination Fund #354 to the General Fund - General Account #001
WHEREAS, Fund #354 - the Mass Vaccination Fund, was created as a special revenue fund by Resolution #21-188 to account for transactions associated with the County's COVID-19 Mass Vaccination program; and
WHEREAS, Resolution #22-83 transferred $1,948,080 in monies from Fund #357 - General Fund - Covid Payroll Reimbursement Account into Fund #354 to pay for mass vaccination expenses; and
WHEREAS, Resolution #24-539 returned $666,548.53 of unspent General Fund monies to the General Fund - General Account #001; and
WHEREAS, in November 2024, the County received its FEMA reimbursement of $555,816.64 and the Mass Vaccination Fund can be closed out; and
WHEREAS, the total revenues and transfers into Fund #354 are $2,543,447.18 and the total expenses and transfers out are $1,987,630.54, leaving a fund balance of $555,816.64 which such balance should be returned to the General Fund since there are no longer mass vaccination expenses to be paid.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Kane County Board that $555,816.64 be transferred from Fund #354 - Mass Vaccination Fund to Fund #001 - General Fund - General Account, that the appropriation adjustments and related cash transfers listed below be made to the FY 2024 budget, and that Fund #354 be closed as of November 30, 2024.
Account Number Description Amount Transfer from Fund #354 $555,816.64 Fund Balance Utilization ($555,816.64)
354.800.669.99001 Transfer to General Fund - Gen. Acct $555,816.64
354.000.000.39900 Fund Balance Utilization $555,816.64
Was Personnel/Item/Service approved in original budget or a subsequent budget revision? N/A
Are funds currently available for this Personnel/Item/Service in the specific line item? Yes
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