File #: TMP-24-3363   
Type: Zoning Petition Status: Passed
File created: 12/30/2024 In control: County Board
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action: 2/11/2025
Title: Petition #4651 Petitioner: State Bank of Geneva (SeBern Homes)
Attachments: 1. Exec. Sum., 2. , 3. , 4.


Petition #: 4651

Committee Flow: Development Committee

Contact: Keith Berkhout 630-232-2495

Petitioner: State Bank of Geneva (SeBern Homes)

Location: 36W995 Red Gate Road (09-16-150-001), St. Charles Township

Proposed: Rezoning from E-3 District Estate Residential to PUD - Planned Unit Development to allow the existing home to be used for a sales office

2040 Plan: Countryside Estate Residential

Objectors: None


Regional Planning Comm.: N/A

Zoning Board: Approval with the following stipulations:

1. The Petitioner shall verify the septic system is sized appropriately for office use with the Kane County Health Department.

2. The petitioner will submit a survey for County Staff review to ensure the two existing signs are relocated out of the rights-of-way and utility                      easements of Randall and Red Gate Roads.

Development Committee: Approval with the Staff recommended stipulations:
3. The existing outdoor storage area shall not be expanded from its current size and shall continue to be screened on all sides, any future modifications to the outdoor storage area shall require an adjustment to the approved PUD.
4. The Petitioner shall apply for an Establishment of Use Permit with the Kane County Building Department for the proposed office use within 60 days of County Board approval of the rezoning.
5. The Petitioner shall apply for a sign permit within 60 days of County Board approval of the rezoning; the permit shall include a survey illustrating the relocation of signage out of the rights-of-way and utility easements of Randall and Red Gate Roads; the permit shall also reduce the total number of signs on the property from two to one, not to exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in display area per side and twenty feet (20') in height.




Petition #4651 Petitioner: State Bank of Geneva (SeBern Homes)