Resolution Authorizing a Contract Extension for Money Manager Services from Sawyer Falduto Asset Management, LLC
WHEREAS, the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Illinois finds it necessary and desirable to extend the contract and retain the services of Sawyer Falduto Asset Management, LLC; and
WHEREAS, said contract was a ten-year contract for money management services with Sawyer Falduto and is set to expire on June 30th, 2025; and
WHEREAS, the current contract provides for a total of ten years at the current guaranteed fee of 0.15% of market value of assets under management; and
WHEREAS, the District would extend the contract for the ten years to expire on June 30, 2035.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of the Forest
Preserve District of Kane County, Illinois that the contract with Sawyer Falduto Asset Management, LLC be extended for a ten-year contract for money management services.
APPROVED AND PASSED on this 11th day of March, 2025
___________________________ ____________________________
Bill Lenert Mo Iqbal
President, Kane Forest Preserve Secretary, Kane Forest Preserve
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois