Resolution Approving a Contract With V3 Companies, Ltd. for Professional Resident Engineering Services for the Removal of Carpentersville Dam
WHEREAS, the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Kane County, Illinois, finds it necessary and desirable to retain the services of V3 Companies, LTD., of Woodridge, Illinois, for professional resident engineering services which include construction observation and administration for the removal of Carpentersville Dam; and
WHEREAS, the District entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) in 2015 for the removal of the Carpentersville Dam; and
WHEREAS, V3 Companies, LTD., was awarded the contract for engineering and construction documents in for Carpentersville dam removal in 2019; and
WHEREAS, V3 Companies, LTD., has submitted a proposal, approved by IDNR, not to exceed $106,570.00 for professional resident engineering services, including construction observation and administration for the Carpentersville Dam removal.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Forest Preserve District Board of Commissioners of Kane County, Kane County, Illinois, that the proposal, hereto attached as Exhibit A, from V3 Companies, LTD., of Woodridge, Illinois, be retained to provide resident engineering services for the Carpentersville Dam Removal at a cost not to exceed One Hundred Six Thousand, Five Hundred Seventy-Five dollars ($106,575.00)
APPROVED AND PASSED on this 11th day of June 2024.
___________________________ ____________________________
Christopher Kious Myrna Molina
President, Kane Forest Preserve Secretary, Kane Forest Preserve
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois