Petition #: 4647
Committee Flow: Development Committee
Contact: Keith Berkhout 630-232-3495
Petitioner: Warren Bowman Trust
Location: 4N011 Thorn Tree Road in St. Charles Township (09-21-352-008)
Proposed: Rezoning from F-Farming Zoning District to E2-A District Estate Residential to allow for a portion of the property to be split off and sold to the neighboring property to the west.
2040 Plan: Rural Residential
Objectors: Neighboring property owner
Regional Planning Comm.: Not Applicable
Zoning Board: Approval with the following stipulation:
1. For any Development in the future as defined by the Kane County Stormwater Management Ordinance on the resulting E2-A and F parcels that singularly results in greater than 5,000 sq ft of new impervious area, or cumulatively (as of Jan 1, 2002) results in greater than 25,000 sq ft of new impervious area or 3 acres of disturbance, Stormwater Management Measures, as required by the Kane County Stormwater Ordinance, shall be provided.
Development Committee: To be determined
Petition # 4647 Petitioner: Warren Bowman Trust