Resolution Authorizing an Intergovernmental Easement Agreement Between the Forest Preserve District of Kane County and the Village of Algonquin
WHEREAS, The Forest Preserve District of Kane County (District) and the Village of Algonquin (Village) desire to enter into an Intergovernmental Easement Agreement to allow for the construction and maintenance of a bike path along Broadsmore Drive at Willoughby Forest Preserve; and
WHEREAS, the DISTRICT and the VILLAGE are authorized pursuant to Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 50, Section 605/0.01 et seq., to enter into intergovernmental agreements and Chapter 5, Section 220/1 et seq., and Article VII, Section 10 of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, 1970, authorize units of local government, including villages and forest preserve districts, to enter into agreements for cooperative use of land and property of each such district; and
WHEREAS, the VILLAGE has determined that a portion of certain lands currently owned by the DISTRICT would be useful for local residents located in the County of Kane in relation to the VILLAGE's proposed roadway improvements to include a bike path on the Property; and
WHEREAS, The DISTRICT has determined that the use of DISTRICT property in this manner is proper, has agreed to grant an easement for the VILLAGE's use of DISTRICT property.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Kane County, Illinois, that the Intergovernmental Easement Agreement attached hereto and made part hereof is hereby approved and that the President and Secretary of the District, be, and hereby are authorized to execute on behalf of the District.
APPROVED AND PASSED on this 11th day of March 2025.
___________________________ ____________________________
Bill Lenert Mo Iqbal
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