Resolution Approving a Bid for Construction of the Centennial Project at Johnson’s Mound Forest Preserve
WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and desirable for the Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Kane County, Illinois to authorize bids for the construction of improvements at Johnson’s Mound Forest Preserve; and
WHEREAS, the District will be celebrating 100 years of conservation on June 8, 2025 at Johnson’s Mound Forest Preserve, the first property protected by the District; and
WHEREAS, Obsidian Asphalt, Inc. was the lowest qualified bidder, with a bid of $129,023.75. Additionally, $15,000.00 shall be set aside as contingency to cover any unanticipated additional costs, for a total contract amount not to exceed $144,023.75; and
WHEREAS, The District received a Grand Victoria Riverboat grant of up to $50,500.00 (59/41 split of actual costs) for the construction of the council ring and historic signage.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Illinois, that the lowest qualified bid from Obsidian Construction for Centennial Project at Johnson’s Mound bid for $129,023.75, plus a contingency of $15,000.00 for a total contract amount not to exceed $144,023.75 be, and hereby is accepted and approved
APPROVED AND PASSED on this March 11, 2025.
___________________________ ____________________________
Bill Lenert Mo Iqbal
President, Kane Forest Preserve Secretary, Kane Forest Preserve
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois