Resolution Approving a Responsible Outdoor Lighting Policy
WHEREAS, the mission of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County is to contribute to the conservation of natural and historic resources within Kane County, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, preserving and protecting the night sky maintains the natural balance of ecosystems and represents an important natural resource in its own right; and
WHEREAS, the need for outdoor light at night can be met through consideration of the five principles of responsible outdoor lighting as put forth by DarkSky International, ensuring that lighting is useful, targeted, low level, controlled and warm-colored; and
WHEREAS, the creation of a policy outlining construction standards for outdoor lighting in all future improvements and replacement projects will help the District improve the quality of its natural areas, minimize wildlife disruption, reduce light pollution, and preserve energy.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Kane County, Illinois, be and hereby is authorized to approve the Responsible Outdoor Lighting Policy attached hereto as Exhibit A.
APPROVED AND PASSED on this 11th day of June, 2024.
___________________________ ____________________________
Christopher Kious Myrna Molina
President, Kane Forest Preserve Secretary, Kane Forest Preserve
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois