Emergency Appropriation for Transfer of Funds From the FEMA PA Administration Fund #358 to the General Fund - General Account #001
WHEREAS, Fund #358 - the FEMA PA Administration Fund, was created as a special revenue fund by Resolution #22-354 to account for expenses, primarily consulting services provided by Ernst & Young LLP, related to the administration of Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance Program applications and other Federal or State grant programs that responded to the COVID-19 public health emergency and its negative economic impacts; and
WHEREAS, Resolution #22-354 also authorized the transfer of $250,000 from the County's General Fund - Covid Payroll Reimbursement Account #357 to Fund #358 to pay for the expenses; and
WHEREAS, , the processing of FEMA related public assistance has now ended and a balance of $155,158.67 remains in Fund #358.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Kane County Board that $155,158.67 be transferred from Fund #358 - the FEMA PA Administration Fund to Fund #001 - General Fund - General Account, that the appropriation adjustments and related cash transfers listed below be made to the FY 2024 budget, and that Fund #358 be closed as of November 30, 2024.
Account Number Description Amount Transfer from Fund #358 $155,158.67 Fund Balance Utilization ($155,158.67)
358.800.676.99001 Transfer to General Fund - General Acct $155,158.67
358.800.000.39900 Fund Balance Utilization $155,158.67
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