Resolution Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding Between the Forest Preserve District of Kane County and the Fox Valley Park District
WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and desirable to issue a Memorandum of Understanding between the Forest Preserve District of Kane County and the Fox Valley Park District for the future construction of a bike and pedestrian bridge spanning the Fox River, between Les Arends Forest Preserve and Lippold Park; and
WHEREAS, The Fox Valley Park District has been awarded a federal grant for the design and construction of the bridge; and
WHEREAS, the most appropriate location for the western edge of the bridge is within Les Arends Forest Preserve; and
WHEREAS, an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Forest Preserve District and the Fox Valley Park District will be required once the specific site details and engineering are finalized; and
WHEREAS, a memorandum of understanding is necessary to comply with preliminary documentation requirements for the grant.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, Kane County, Illinois, that the Memorandum of Understanding attached hereto and made part hereof is approved, and that the President and Secretary of the District, be, and hereby are authorized to execute on behalf of the District.
APPROVED AND PASSED on this 11th day of February, 2025.
___________________________ ____________________________
Bill Lenert Mo Iqbal
President, Kane Forest Preserve Secretary, Kane Forest Preserve
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois