Approving a FY25 Budget Adjustment to the Enterprise Surcharge Fund for the Implementation of a USDA Composting and Food Waste Reduction Grant Program
WHEREAS, Kane County was awarded a Composting and Food Waste Reduction program grant by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to pilot the separation and diversion of food waste from large food waste generating institutions in the County, to pilot seasonal food scrap drop off at the Fabyan Kane County Recycling Center, to launch a “Kane County Composts” outreach campaign, and to provide commercial compost to small local growers and community gardens; and
WHEREAS, the Kane County Solid Waste Management Plan, most recently updated and adopted in 2020 (Res. 20-463), includes exploring the feasibility of food scrap collection at the County Recycling Center as a deliverable and broadly directs the Kane County Recycling Coordinator to seek ways to divert recoverable material from landfills; and
WHEREAS, the Kane County Climate Action Implementation Plan, adopted in 2024 (Res. 24-228), includes as a goal in the Waste Management Chapter to increase the amount of organic material diverted from landfills by 128% by 2030; and
WHEREAS, the planning process and grant application development garnered commitments to participate in food waste separation from the Kane County Sherriff’s Office and Aramark (the food service contractor for the Adult Justice Center), the Northern Illinois Food Bank, the Kane County Cougars Baseball Club, and Advocate Health for its Sherman Hospital location; and
WHEREAS, Kane County will use the awarded funds to contract with qualified service providers to haul separated food waste generated or collected on County property to proper composting or anaerobic digestion facilities and will enter into pass-through agreements with non-County partners to procure similar services, to produce outreach and education materials, and to purchase supplies to facilitate the separation of food waste; and
WHEREAS, Kane County will dedicate 15% of an existing salary and associated benefits as match towards the project; and
WHEREAS, the requested budget adjustment will cover the anticipated cost of executing Composting and Food Waste Reduction grant activities as proposed in the project narrative for the remainder of FY25; and
WHEREAS, the revised Enterprise Surcharge Fund budget for FY25 will increase by One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Three Dollars ($125,563).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Kane County Board approves the FY25 budget adjustments and transfers described below and authorizes the Director of Environmental & Water Resources and the County Board Chairman to sign the USDA grant and associated partnership agreements as required:
+ $125,563 650.670.000.33903 Grants - Federal Government
+ $27,419 650.670.670.89000 Addition to Fund Balance
- $22,162 650.670.670.40000 Salaries and Wages
- $3,194 650.670.670.45000 Healthcare Contribution
- $120 650.670.670.45010 Dental Contribution
- $1,134 650.670.670.45100 FICA/SS Contribution
- $809 650.670.670.45200 IMRF Contribution
+ $22,162 650.670.684.40000 Salaries and Wages
+ $3,194 650.670.684.45000 Healthcare Contribution
+ $120 650.670.684.45010 Dental Contribution
+ $1,134 650.670.684.45100 FICA/SS Contribution
+ $809 650.670.684.45200 IMRF Contribution
+ $79,448 650.670.684.50150 Contractual/Consulting Services
+ $5,750 650.670.684.50590 Professional Services
+ $11,946 650.670.684.60010 Operating Supplies
+ $1,000 650.670.684.60040 Postage
Line Item: 650.670.684.xxxxx
Line Item Description: Multiple new project subdepartment lines listed above
Was Personnel/Item/Service approved in original budget or a subsequent budget revision? No
Are funds currently available for this Personnel/Item/Service in the specific line item? No
If funds are not currently available in the specified line item, where are the funds available?
650.670.000.33903 - Grants - Federal Government
Passed by the Kane County Board on January 14, 2025.
____________________________ ____________________________
John A. Cunningham, MBA, JD, JD Corinne M. Pierog MA, MBA
Clerk, County Board Chairman, County Board
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois