Resolution to Partner with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning to Create a Housing Ready Plan for Communities
WHEREAS, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (“CMAP”) has adopted the ON TO 2040 Plan as the long-range regional comprehensive plan for the seven-county Chicago region and is providing staff assistance through their Local Technical Assistance program as a means of advancing the plan’s implementation; and
WHEREAS, the Kane County Board has adopted the 2040 Plan as the comprehensive plan for Kane County with the theme of “Healthy People, Healthy Living, Healthy Communities” and is providing staff assistance to municipalities through the Kane County Planning Cooperative as a means of implementing the 2040 Plan; and
WHEREAS, CMAP will work with Kane County on a Housing Ready Plan to help individual communities build the skills to access and administer housing funding provided by IHDA, the county, and other community development programs. As part of this plan, CMAP requires assistance in the form of a market/housing analysis to assess the feasibility and potential benefits of new residential development types across the county. This analysis will also evaluate the county's land use and zoning as a whole and address obstacles that come with current land use and zoning ordinances; and
WHEREAS, the County and CMAP have agreed on the general contents of a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) and a Scope of Services that will guide staff assistance services to be provided by Kane County and by CMAP.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Kane County Board supports the following sections. Section 1: the County supports this partnership with CMAP to create a Housing Ready Plan. Section 2: the County accepts the offer of staff assistance services by CMAP and recognizes that these services are provided for the purpose of advancing the implementation of ON TO 2040. Section 3: the County authorizes staff as designated by the County Board Chair to finalize and execute a Memorandum of Understanding with an attached Scope of Services. Section 4: the County recognizes that provisions that govern the administration of staff assistance services, and, if necessary, the discontinuance of such services, are included in the Memorandum of Understanding. Section 5: This resolution shall be effective as of the date of its adoption.
Passed by the Kane County Board on March 12, 2024.
____________________________ ____________________________
John A. Cunningham, MBA, JD, JD Corinne M. Pierog MA, MBA
Clerk, County Board Chairman, County Board
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois