File #: TMP-25-156   
Type: Resolution Status: Reported to County Board
File created: 2/3/2025 In control: County Board
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action:
Attachments: 1. Exec. Sum.


Authorizing an Agreement with Tyler Technologies for Computer-Aided Dispatch CAD2CAD Custom Export Interface



WHEREAS, Kane County licensed Tyler Technologies Public Safety software and services for the purpose of managing public safety records and mobile software; and


WHEREAS, the additional software and services can only be provided by our current software vendor, Tyler Technologies, under the current licensing agreement; and


WHEREAS, Kane County code section 2-216 provides that the purchase of computer software, computer hardware, and computer databases that have been competitively procured and that require additional proprietary licensing, software integrations, software development, software maintenance, computer hardware maintenance, database maintenance, software support services, database support services and computer hardware support services are not suitable for competitive procurement and may be authorized for purchase. Purchases over thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) must be authorized by the County Board; and


WHEREAS, Tyler Technologies has provided a proposal to amend the existing software and services agreement to provide the software and implementation services at a cost of $68,840.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Kane County Board authorizes the Kane County Board Chairman to enter into an agreement to amend the existing software and services agreement with Tyler Technologies to provide the computer-aided dispatch call for service CAD2CAD interface software and services at a one-time cost of $68,840 from available funds and to be reimbursed by a Next Generation (NG9-1-1) grant from the State of Illinois.


Line Item: 269.425.000.39900

Line Item Description: Cash on Hand

Was Personnel/Item/Service approved in original budget or a subsequent budget revision? No - this project is grant funded

Are funds currently available for this Personnel/Item/Service in the specific line item? yes

If funds are not currently available in the specified line item, where are the funds available?

Cash on hand and reimbursement through NG9-1-1 grant









Passed by the Kane County Board on March 11, 2025.



 ____________________________               ____________________________

John A. Cunningham, MBA, JD, JD               Corinne M. Pierog MA, MBA

Clerk, County Board                                       Chairman, County Board

Kane County, Illinois                                       Kane County, Illinois

