Authorizing a One-Year Contract Extension with New Venture Advisors to Provide Food and Agriculture Consulting Services
WHEREAS, the Kane County Development and Community Services Department is seeking authorization to extend a contract with New Venture Advisors (NVA), a consultant, for one additional year to administer and support various local food system and agricultural projects on behalf of the County; and
WHEREAS, Kane County authorized an initial one-year service contract (see attached Resolution No. 24-049) in April 2024; and
WHEREAS, the one-year extension of NVA’s contract would not authorize any additional payments to the consultant, including any subcontractors, beyond the current contract not-to-exceed amount of $305,000, nor would it alter any of the other previously approved agreement terms; and
WHEREAS, NVA has previously provided Kane County with a range of consulting services in support of food system plans and projects including a Food Hub Feasibility Study, Fresh and Local Rx prescription produce program management and assessment, Farmer Needs Assessment, and Livestock Market Assessment; and
WHEREAS, NVA submitted a Qualifications Response Form for Kane County’s Agricultural Consultants Request for Qualifications (RFQ 24-015), which lists the Contractual Services (see attached) that the consultant is capable of providing on an as-needed basis as determined by the Development and Community Services Department.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Kane County Board authorizes the Kane County Board Chairman to sign the attached agreement rider to approve a one-year extension of New Venture Advisors’ service contract.
Passed by the Kane County Board on February 11, 2025.
____________________________ ____________________________
John A. Cunningham, MBA, JD, JD Corinne M. Pierog MA, MBA
Clerk, County Board Chairman, County Board
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois