Petition #: 4644
Committee Flow: Development Committee
Contact: Keith Berkhout 630-232-3495
Petitioner: Robert McNeill (Big Timber Solar Farm, LLC)
Location: South east corner of IL Route 72 (Higgins Road) and County Highway 21 (Big Timber Road) in Rutland Township (02-22-400-014)
Proposed: Special Use Permit in the F-Farming Zoning District to allow for the
development of a commercial solar energy facility.
2040 Plan: Resource Management
Objectors: Area property owners and the Village of Gilberts
Regional Planning Comm.: Not applicable
Zoning Board: Approval with the following stipulations:
1. The Kane County Division of Transportation will require the applicant to apply for a Temporary Construction Access and a Minimum Use Access permit.
2. Water Resources will require a stormwater permit for this development.
3. An Engineer’s report will be required.
4. Should the site introduce more than 25,000 sq ft of impervious area or more than 3 acres of disturbance, stormwater detention will be required. This impervious area is calculated cumulatively since 2002 for a site as per the Stormwater Ordinance. The Engineer’s report must demonstrate that the peak flow for the site with the proposed development is not increased, stormwater detention may be required for the development to ensure this. Any required Stormwater Detention Management will require a viable outfall and may require off-site work.
Should the site introduce more than 5,000 sq ft of impervious, a BMP will be required for all impervious surfaces.
5. A calculation for disconnected impervious area, created by the panels, will be required. A Best Management Practice will be required to encourage infiltration of runoff within the site.
6. A drain tile study will be required, including upstream and downstream tile systems that rely on the drain tiles within the site. Water Resources is looking for the protection of the tile system that is in place, including but not limited to replacement in kind and observation and cleanout structures.
7. Plantings within the development will not interfere with drain tiles. Planting plan should address the placement of vegetation and trees with long root systems that can interfere with tile systems and cause off site issues including surcharged drain tiles and blow outs of the drain tile systems.
8. Soil samples shall be taken every 2 years from the site and analyzed for physical, chemical, and biological properties to demonstrate the soil health within the solar installations.
9. 80% vegetative coverage for plantings will be a requirement for the site.
10. A Wetland Delineation will be required. Any Wetland Impacts must be mitigated.
11. Any fill in depressional areas will require Compensatory storage. Including fill created by solar racking.
12. Floodplain, Wetland, Compensatory Storage, BMPs and Stormwater Management must be placed in a Conservation or Drainage Easement.
Development Committee: Approval with the recommended stipulations
Petition # 4644 Petitioner: Robert McNeill (Big Timber Solar Farm, LLC)