Approving the Purchase of Seven Replacement Vehicles for the Kane County Sheriff’s Office
WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Office needs to replace seven (7) vehicles this fiscal year: one (1) K9 Unit, one (1) Bomb, three (3) Drone Unit, and two (2) Social Worker vehicles in order to support law enforcement activities; and
WHEREAS, funds for the purchase of these vehicles have been budgeted in FY2025 in the Automotive Equipment Account and will replace units that are at the end of life; and
WHEREAS, the most responsive vendor for the 2025 Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD Commercial vehicle and the 2025 Ford Escape All-Wheel Drive Hybrid was Currie Motors, 10125 W. Laraway, Frankfort, Illinois, which provided a price of $57,495.00 per Chevrolet Tahoe and $35,003.00 per Ford Escape Hybrid for a total for all seven (7) vehicles of Three Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand, Four Hundred Eighty-One and 00/100 Dollars ($357,481.00); and
WHEREAS, all vehicles will be up-fitted for each unit’s particular planned use at a total cost of Seventy-Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred Ninety-Four and 00/100 Dollars ($78,894.00) using various vendors and equipment in stock, making the total expenditure Four Hundred Thirty-Six Thousand, Three Hundred Seventy-Five and 00/100 Dollars ($436,375.00) for road-ready police vehicles.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Kane County Board and the Chairman therefore, that the Sheriff of Kane County is authorized to enter into contracts with Currie Motors of Frankfurt, Illinois for a total of Three Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand, Four Hundred Eighty-One and 00/100 Dollars ($357,481.00) for the purchase of seven (7) replacement police vehicles, and to expend an additional Seventy-Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred Ninety-Four and 00/100 Dollars ($78,894.00) for up fitting the vehicles for their proper use, for a total of Four Hundred Thirty-Six Thousand, Three Hundred Seventy-Five and 00/100 Dollars ($436,375.00).
Line Item: 128.380.395.70070
Line Item Description: New Vehicle Fund
Was Personnel/Item/Service approved in original budget or a subsequent budget revision? Yes
Are funds currently available for this Personnel/Item/Service in the specific line item? Yes
If funds are not currently available in the specified line item, where are the funds available?
Passed by the Kane County Board on March 11, 2025.
____________________________ ____________________________
John A. Cunningham, MBA, JD, JD Corinne M. Pierog MA, MBA
Clerk, County Board Chairman, County Board
Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois